Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well, to be brutally honest I have found this program a big drag. Most of the topics I already knew about, and they are not relevant within my workplace - people who are into these sorts of things do not come into public libraries to do them, or if they do they certainly don;'t need our help to do them.

The whole thing has been difficult to complete - we couldn't access the sites on our work PCs so had to do it on the public ones or do it at home.


I am of 2 minds re Podcasts. I can't really see too much in their use in public libraries but for people at home I think they are good. My mind goes to the ABC podcasts that they promote all the time. As it's a free servcie and they offer so many of them I think that's really great.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Web 2 awards

Thera are too many of these to be really meaningful. It's like weeding - the best way to boost loans is to chuck out your old stuff so you cab better see the good stuff.

Does this pass as a post on the topic? Sorry, I can't go on and on for thousands of words on these things.


I had never heard of this one. I have known about Staroffice for ages, and even loaded it onto my home PC but gave up on it. It may be time to revisit the idea of using something like this and abandon being a slave to Microsoft.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Library Wikkis

I am not so enthused here.. it obviously takes an awful lot of time to keep good wikkis going. Surely there are enough good sites out there without us writing our own?
The ones listed are all great, but who's got the staff to do this sort of thing?

Learning 2.0 and libraries

Where are we going? Well, I find it hard to be deep and meaningful, but generally I think 2.0 tools can be an opportunity for (public) librraies to do interesteing things on the web sites to entice users into the library's world, and making their library relevant to them. All the YouTube/Facebook type stuff is a great hook to get a category of non-users changing the way they think about the library. We can make ourselves fun and with-it (doesn;t that sound so old-fashioned?).

It may only last a while, but it's a good hook to use.


I was very confused in this one - how do I do a search in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory? I could only find one search box on the page.

I obviously fail this one! I think I will ask one of the wizzes who have finished.


Well, after such a long time I have promised to take this up again.
My thoughts on Del.icio.us - I think this will be very useful, as I am ofetn on different PCs and cannot reember all the URLs of my Favourites. So this will come inn handy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Well, after a 2 week break I have come back. My passion is showing again in my subject choice for my Rollyo....


Monday, October 1, 2007

My Library Thing

I really like this - these are books I have read. Not hard to see my prejudices!http://www.librarything.com/addbooks

I hope this works.

A card I created

I made this with Trading Card Maker

Flickr mashups

I liked Flickr color picker.. very pretty. But I am a bit confused as to what you would use these for? Anybody like to help me out?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

My technology post

My lesson was in how to keep track of all the accounts I have had to set up.... and this was:


I am now in business, and have uploaded my picture and do not feel like I am at the bottom of the class any more.

At last I got past step 1!!

Dunce of the class has finally worked out how to add to my blog (with lots of help from my friends).

I am now going to add a picture from the film I saw a few weeks ago and loved so much - Ratatouille.

Here goes

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Teresa's Blog

This is my first effort. I hope it gets better as I go along.